On the LDS news conference regarding gay rights and religious liberty

On the LDS news conference regarding gay rights and religious liberty January 28, 2015


The Conference Center in SLC
The press conference was held at the LDS Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.
(Click to enlarge. Click again to enlarge further.)


You may have missed this, especially if you live outside of Utah, but it’s rather important:






I confess that to having reservations about anti-discrimination legislation in general — not because I favor bigotry and not because I have any particular wish to see or to allow homosexuals (or blacks, or women) to be hurt, but because I lean very strongly libertarian.  People sometimes demand to know “Well, what if somebody refused to do business with Mormons?”  To which I respond, “Such people would be jerks and bigots, but, in my view, people have a right to be foolish and bad.”


But society is plainly moving in directions I don’t entirely approve, and, as the saying goes, politics is the art of the possible.  Compromise is (and should be) unavoidable.



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