“On the Opprobrium of Apologetics”

“On the Opprobrium of Apologetics” January 14, 2015


A green meadow with trees
A serene sub-alpine meadow, far from the supposed war between “apologists” and “critical scholars”
(Click to enlarge. Click again to enlarge further.)


There have been a number of attacks recently on the practice of apologetics within the Latter-day Saint community.  Some of these attacks are rather puzzling, since they purport to be motivated by a desire to defend the academic study of religion and scripture — to which few if any of the Mormon “apologists” I know (John Welch, say, or John Sorenson, or Noel Reynolds, or any of a host of others) have even the slightest objection.  (Quite the contrary, in fact.)


John Gee reflects on “the opprobrium of apologetics” here.



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