The “New Yorker” takes a none-too-impressed look at the Book of Mormon.

The “New Yorker” takes a none-too-impressed look at the Book of Mormon. February 9, 2015


At E. B. Grandin's press
In the Grandin Press, in Palmyra, New York, where the first edition of the Book of Mormon was printed
(Click on the image to enlarge it, and again to enlarge it further.)


It could have been worse:


I disagree with Rollo Romig’s literary estimation of the Book of Mormon.  And, of course, his explanation that it took Joseph Smith “years” to “write” the Book of Mormon is seriously misleading.


But I no more expect the New Yorker to stand in awe of the Book of Mormon than I would have expected Celsus or other urbane members of the ancient Greco-Roman intelligentsia to instantly accept Jesus as their resurrected Lord.



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