“The Art of Thinking Clearly”

“The Art of Thinking Clearly” April 16, 2015


Herr Rolf Dobelli
Rolf Dobelli


I’ve just about finished a leisurely reading, over the past month, of Rolf Dobelli’s book Die Kunst des klaren Denkens: 52 Denkfehler, die Sie besser anderen überlassen.


It’s a compilation of short newspaper articles (for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the Schweizer Sonntags-Zeitung) that its Swiss author had published on common errors in reasoning that routinely get us fallible humans into trouble.  Not precisely logical fallacies, in every case — which is what I thought it was when I grabbed it off a shelf last year in Interlaken, in a bookstore that I used to visit back when I was a missionary there — but simply stupid mistakes that we make in business decisions, investments, relationships, voting, and so forth.


It’s very well written and entertaining, sometimes humorous, and enormously practical.  I like the German subtitle: “52 errors in thinking that you would be better off leaving to others.”


I like the book so very much, in fact, that I stupidly dropped an email to Rolf Dobelli a couple of weeks ago, asking whether I could translate his book into English.


Why do I say “stupidly”?  Because I should have checked to see whether it had already appeared in English, and because I could easily have done so.


It has, as a matter of fact, already been published in English.


He wrote back fairly quickly, gently informing me of the book’s English title:




I just assumed that, since it had first been published auf Deutsch in 2014, it wouldn’t yet have appeared in English.  But things move more rapidly these days than I had realized, I guess. Especially in the commercial world beyond the snail’s pace of academic publication.


I haven’t seen the English edition, but I assume that it’s a complete and accurate translation of the German original.  And, if it is, I commend it enthusiastically to your attention.



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