New Testament 168

New Testament 168 June 9, 2015


Millstones in Haifa
Millstones from the Dagon Museum in Haifa, Israel
Photo by Hanay, Wikimedia CC
(Click to enlarge.)


Matthew 18:6-9

Mark 9:42-50

Compare Matthew 5:13; Luke 14:34-35, 17:1-2




The plan of salvation requires “opposition” or “offenses,” yes.  But there will be no awards handed out to those who, through their treachery, betrayal, greed, ambition, hatred, and other unrighteous motives, create those offenses and that opposition.




The language of plucking out eyes and cutting off hands isn’t meant literally, but it certainly illustrates the nature of the radical discipleship that Jesus asks of us.  (It’s hard to get a faith-only “easy-believism” out of this passage.  In fact, I think it would be well nigh impossible to derive a doctrine of salvation-by-grace alone, as it’s commonly taught and understood, from the teachings of Jesus in the four gospels.)




If the salt loses its saltiness, Jesus says, there’s no reason to keep it.  It might as well simply be thrown out.  If we become like the world — if there’s little or no discernible difference between the Church and the world, between Saints and non-Saints, between the way we see and do things and the way unbelievers do and see things — we’re of little or no specific use to the Lord.  However much more pleasing we, our behavior, our publications, or whatever may be to the world.



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