“Rachel Dolezal Demanded Boycott of a Movie Because White Actors Played African Roles”

“Rachel Dolezal Demanded Boycott of a Movie Because White Actors Played African Roles” June 17, 2015


From Seti I's tomb
An 1820 drawing of an image from the tomb of Seti I in Upper Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, showing, from left to right, a Berber, a Nubian, an “Asiatic,” and an Egyptian


This lady’s story grows stranger and stranger.


It seems — though her parents deny it — that, when she was a young white blonde girl, she had to hunt for her dinner every day with a bow and arrow, or something like that.  After all, she was born in a teepee.


And the Reverend Al Sharpton, our nation’s moral conscience, has come to her defense against her parents, who have done something that’s somehow wrong in all this.


Meanwhile, back when the film Exodus: Gods and Kings came out, she objected to the fact that white actors were playing the roles of Africans:




Like most other people, I suspect, I didn’t see Exodus: Gods and Kings.  But I’m guessing that she had Moses and the Pharaoh in mind, and that she thinks that, since Egypt is in Africa, Egyptians should be played by black actors.


This is wrong, of course, as shown in the image above.  Egyptians — at least those of the elite ruling class — weren’t sub-Saharan Africans.  And Moses, according to the only source we have regarding him, was an “Asiatic,” of Semitic ethnicity.


But, leaving that aside, it’s rather rich for Ms. Dolezal (who once sued Howard University for discriminating against her as a white person) to be indignant at white actors pretending to be Africans.


This  really isn’t a significant story, news-wise.  But it’s so ineffably weird that .  .  .  well, it fascinates.



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