“Why this has been the worst year for American Muslims since 9/11”

“Why this has been the worst year for American Muslims since 9/11” June 17, 2015


Mosque outside of Toledo
The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, Ohio


Yes, yes, yes.  I agree that the crimes of certain Muslims are far, far, far worse than those mentioned in the article below.  I don’t dispute that for a moment.


But that still doesn’t justify the sorts of things reported here:




We haven’t yet managed, alas, to put an end to the obscenities perpetrated by al-Qa‘ida and by the nihilistic death-cult calling itself the “Islamic State.”  But it’s within our power to maintain a society here in America that recognizes and even values religious diversity — and we should be determined to do so, and, where appropriate, to stigmatize or even sometimes prosecute those who misbehave.


This isn’t just whining.


Religious bigots don’t represent my America.


(Thanks to Nicol Sorenson-Legakis for bringing this article to my attention.)



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