“A modern-day Oskar Schindler”

“A modern-day Oskar Schindler” August 25, 2015


Memorial to a great but very flawed man
A memorial plaque in Regensburg, Germany
(Click to enlarge.)




I’m thinking about this one.  Quite seriously.


Should I join in?  Should you?


Do such efforts reward and fund ISIS?


Will such payments actually encourage the taking of more hostages?


On the other hand, can we simply sit back and do nothing?


The plaque shown above reads as follows:


Oskar Schindler saved more than 1200 Jews from certain death during the National Socialist terror.  From November 1945 until May 1950, he lived in this present structure, and later in the house at Alte Nürnberger Strasse 25.  Dedicated in 1995 by the City of Regensburg.


The worthy legacy of a very flawed man who, at a time of incredible need, rose to greatness.


Posted from Erfurt, Germany



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