Good times and good people

Good times and good people October 10, 2015


Plato and Aristotle
Raphael’s “School of Athens”
A continuing ideal
(Wikimedia CC; public domain; click to enlarge.)


One of the many enjoyable benefits of academic conferences is spending time with old friends.  Sometimes, even when they’re at your own institution, you just don’t see them much.


Yesterday, during a break in the 2015 meetings of the Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology, I had lunch with Ralph Hancock and Noel Reynolds, the latter of whom had given a fine plenary paper the night before on the literary structure of 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi.  (Coincidentally, a book review by Dr. Reynolds went up on the Interpreter site while we were eating.)


Last night, I went out to dinner with Keith Lane (a keen student of, among other things, Kierkegaard) and Jennifer Clark Lane (a historian of Christianity), who both teach at BYU-Hawaii.


Much later, after Nathan Oman had given a superb plenary presentation on legal aspects of (coincidentally) 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi — which will likely (I asked, hoping that Interpreter might have a shot at it) be submitted to a mainstream academic journal — and after most people had gone, I enjoyed a vigorous informal discussion about Islam and America and the Constitution with Nate, his father Richard OmanBen Huff, and Randy Paul.


Once again, life is good.



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