New Testament 282

New Testament 282 October 28, 2015


Beardless Christ, teaching
Christ teaching
Ancient Christian catacomb painting
(Wikimedia Commons; public domain)
Click to enlarge.


Matthew 22:34-40

Mark 12:28-34

Compare Matthew 22:46; Luke 10:25-28; 20:40


It’s significant that, according to Jesus, the “first” or “greatest” commandment isn’t to affirm the ontological unity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, “neither confusing the persons nor dividing the substance,” but to love God.  And the second isn’t, say, to confess the hypostatic union of divinity and humanity in an uncreated Son who eternally proceeds from the Father, nor even to get the relationship of faith (or grace) and works precisely right, but to love those around us.



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