Ben Shapiro: “I will never vote for Donald Trump. Here’s why.”

Ben Shapiro: “I will never vote for Donald Trump. Here’s why.” March 26, 2016


The campus of UCLA in Westwood
Both Ben Shapiro and I hold degrees from UCLA, which speaks well for him. He went on to Harvard Law School. Maybe I should have.  But I didn’t.  (Wikimedia Commons)


The conservative writer Ben Shapiro expresses views along the lines that many of us in the #NeverTrump movement have been thinking:


Needless to say, I would quibble with him on one matter:  He is far more negative on Mitt Romney than I am, even though I’ve been a serious conservative since long before Ben Shapiro was born.  I saw Governor Romney as electable.  More important than that, though, I saw him as a remarkably good, competent, and honorable man who would have made a superb president.  Mr. Romney inclined toward conservatism, though he wasn’t as conservative/libertarian as I was and am.  I did not and do not see it as likely that a person as far to the conservative/libertarian right as I am can be elected to national office, so I follow William F. Buckley’s principle of supporting the most rightward electable candidate.


Unfortunately, it now looks as if, in the 2016 presidential race, there may not be such a candidate from either of the two major parties.


And, while I was willing to support decent men such as Bob Dole and John McCain despite many disagreements with them, Mr. Donald Trump’s rejection of many of my most important political principles, combined with his gross lack of character, makes it impossible, even morally repugnant, for me to endorse him or to vote for him.



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