I’m voting for Trump.

I’m voting for Trump. July 20, 2016


Wikimedia Commons Trump sign
Macht Amerika wieder groß!  (Wikimedia Gemeinsames)


I’ve been informed, over and over and over again, that, if I don’t vote for Mr. Donald J. Trump, I’m effectively voting for Mrs. Hillary Clinton.


“Too bad you’re for Hillary!” I’ve been told by more Trumpists than I can count.  “You’ll be responsible if Hillary wins!”


Well, by Trumpist reasoning, since I’m not voting for Hillary Clinton I’m actually voting for Mr. Donald Trump.


So the Trumpists can give it a rest.


Meanwhile, in Trump-related news:


“Never Trump, Now More Than Ever”


“GOP Convention Has Become a Stomach-Churning Affair”


“Trump’s Weaknesses Are on Full Display in Cleveland”


“Donald Trump Will Fail the Heroes Who Endorsed Him”


“As the South China Sea Grows More Dangerous, Republicans Settle on an Unserious Nominee”


“Japan Reverts to Fascism”



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