“Will the Mormon Church’s Support for Muslim Immigration Block Trump’s Victory?”

“Will the Mormon Church’s Support for Muslim Immigration Block Trump’s Victory?” August 23, 2016


Three Norsk sheep
Despite their appearance, these are sheep in Norway, not typical, easily-led American Mormons.
(Wikimedia CC photo by Sogning)


Breitbart News, once (before Andrew Breitbart’s sudden, premature, and very unfortunate death) an interesting place for activist conservative journalism of a rather aggressive sort, has long since become a rigidly doctrinaire and often quite unpleasant Ministry of Propaganda for hardcore Trumpulism.


Perhaps beginning to sense that Mr. Donald J. Trump, the Dear Leader of Trumpulism, is currently headed for a defeat of historic, party-realigning proportions in November, Breitbart is now laying the groundwork for a demonology that will blame the Church of Jeuss Christ of Latter-day Saints for the Dear Leader’s loss:




Two Norsk goats
In Norway, goats are used for meat, cheese, and milk. In the Old Testament, they were sometimes used ritually as “scapegoats.” The author of this piece seems to advocate a return to biblical usage. (Wikimedia Commons)


You see, if it weren’t for Mormon leaders’ love of open borders and Muslim immigration, every decent person in America would flock to the noble banner of the Mr. Donald J. Trump.


If you can stand to skim a few of them, take a look at the comments that follow the article.  They nicely illustrate something of both the emotional state and the analytical sophistication of sufferers from acute Trumpulism — to say nothing of the love and respect that many of them have for Latter-day Saints.  But notice, too, the moderation of the article itself, which, while it pretends to have somehow detected the presence of a lucid and coherent set of immigration policies in the public statements of the Dear Leader, dismisses those who fail to bow the knee to Mr. Donald J. Trump as “frenzied” and as engaged in a “jihad” against the Great One.


By the way, the author is a former Republican.  What his party affiliation is today, I don’t know.  Maybe he’s a Republican again, now that Mr. Donald J. Trump is a Republican and has commandeered the party of Lincoln, Goldwater, and Reagan.


He’s also a former Catholic, turned Evangelical.  In April 2008, he accused Benedict XVI, the serving pope at the time, of attempting to increase Hispanic immigration to the United States in order to boost Catholic Church membership in America.


I wonder if the author would return to Catholicism if His Eminence Donald Cardinal Trump were elected to the papacy in the next conclave, and if immigration were to be declared ex cathedra the central dogma of the faith?


Posted from Stardal, Norway



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