Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell December 29, 2016


T. Sowell, graduate student
Thomas Sowell in 1964, when he was working on his doctorate in economics at the University of Chicago  (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


As many have been remarking over the past few days, it’s been a time of striking transitions.  For one thing, several prominent people have recently died.  And now I’ve been shocked and saddened by the death of my long-time friend Elder Bruce D. Porter, of the First Quorum of the Seventy since 1995.  We’ve known each other since our freshman year at BYU; I hope to post a (necessarily inadequate) tribute to him tomorrow (Friday).


Right now, though, I want to post some links about a hero of mine, Thomas Sowell, who has announced his retirement from writing a weekly newspaper column.  For many, many years now, I’ve regarded Thomas Sowell as one of the foremost social, political, and economic thinkers in the United States.  He hasn’t died, but he’ll be going largely if not entirely silent, and he will be sorely missed.


“A Farewell Note”


“Thomas Sowell, America’s Greatest Public Intellectual, Says ‘Farewell'”


“A Lion in High Summer”


Death and aging rob us of so very, very much!  I’m grateful for the promise of the Gospel — that they won’t be permitted to keep their spoils forever.



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