Just for the record

Just for the record January 26, 2017


A 1916 Pinocchio
Pinocchio never uses his real name when he comments on my column.
(Image from Wikimedia Commons)


The comments that typically follow my articles in the Deseret News can sometimes be amusing.  There’s a small group of people, mostly critics, who write in every single week.  And it really doesn’t matter what I say  They never like it.  They never will like it.


In response to today’s column, somebody from St. George, Utah, who calls himself (or herself) “Red Corvette” wrote as follows:


“Dr. Peterson is a continual source of amusement with his pseudo-analytic and apologetic articles and pronouncements. But after all, that is what he is paid to do.”


I’m pleased that, if they’re good for nothing else, my ridiculous antics are capable of entertaining and amusing “Red Corvette,” whose comment reminds me of what Mr. Bennett says to Miss Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice:


“For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?”


Just for the record, though:  Not a single dime of my salary has ever come from apologetic writing.  The Church has never paid me to be an apologist.  I donate to the Interpreter Foundation, but I receive no wage or salary from it.


I’ve said that before.  I’ll no doubt have to say it again.  Some folks, “Red Corvette” perhaps among them, don’t seem to care much about truth or accuracy.



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