“Canadian baby given health card without sex designation”

“Canadian baby given health card without sex designation” July 4, 2017


A Texas ant colony
An ant colony in Texas (Wikimedia Commons public domain)




this baby searyl atli doty marks an exciting new development it will decide its own gender or they will decide their own gender its not yet clear whether singular pronouns will survive long after the demise of gendered pronouns and maybe the pronoun it will be good enough because separating living things from things that arent living is probably doubleplusungood too


sorry about the paragraph divisions theyre a relic of my ancient education and retrograde socialization im very old but a new generation is now coming that will rise above the old bigotries no more h8


were entering a wonderful new world in which the old divisions are breaking down no longer will genders be differentiated no more will proper nouns be distinguished from common nouns borders won’t matter anymore no longer will one sentence be rigidly divided from any other sentence death to the patriarchy death to hierarchy reality is just a power construct anyway it will be impossible to discriminate because we wont have the language for expressing distinctions anyway my point is that utopia is within our reach


“O brave new world,
That has such people in ’t!”


From Wikipedia:  “The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc [English Socialism] . . .  The linguistic design of Newspeak is for thought control, by diminishment of the user’s range of thought, which is realised with a minimal vocabulary of limited denotation and connotation. . . .  As a controlled language, Newspeak influences and limits thought by decreasing the range of expressiveness of the English language.”


See also Ayn Rand’s Anthem.


Progressive thinkers worldwide should hail this move toward languages that are less and less able to make or express distinctions.  They should be inspired by the example of the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose official language of Persian (or Farsi) makes no gender distinction in the third-person singular pronoun (u) between masculine, feminine, and neuter — or, in other words, between he, she, and it.  Surely, the manner in which such gender-neutral language has elevated the status not only of Iranian women but of all other animate genders and non-genders is worthy of praise and emulation.


It is often said that the languages of the Laplanders or Sami and of the Inuit or Eskimos have exceptionally many options in their vocabulary for denoting different kinds of snow, since snow represents a huge proportion of the daily lived environment of the Sami and the Inuit.  Clearly, though, their lives would be much enriched if they each had only one such word.


Speakers of the world unite!  You have nothing to lose but your chains!



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