Who knew that some people see Egyptology as a contact sport?

Who knew that some people see Egyptology as a contact sport? October 24, 2018


Snefru.  One of this three pyramids.
The curious “Bent Pyramid” of Senefru, built approximately 2600 BC, which is located not too far south of the more famous pyramids at Giza     (Wikimedia Commons public domain photo)


A quite unpleasant and belligerent fellow — apparently an ex-Latter-day Saint who seems to have far too much time on his hands — contacted me a few days ago and, among other (even more nasty) things brought up a public attack that was launched against my BYU colleague Dr. Kerry Muhlestein some years back.


So, with that in mind, I was interested just today to see Robert Boylan quite independently or even coincidentally calling to our attention an interesting 2013 response made by FairMormon to that attack:


“Reverend Spalding Strikes Again: A Response to Internet Criticism of Kerry Muhlestein’s Book of Abraham Videos”


Here, by the way, is Professor Muhlestein’s faculty page at Brigham Young University:




And here is an informative interview that was conducted with Dr. Muhlestein by the plainly non-LDS “Nile Scribes” under the series title of “Meet an Egyptologist”:


“Meet the BYU Egypt Excavation Project Director Dr. Kerry Muhlestein”


Finally, I offer a testimony from Kerry Muhlestein that was posted back in 2010 as part of my “Mormon Scholars Testify” project — which, by the way, is now considering what to call itself in the future:


Kerry Muhlestein


For what it’s worth, along with Glenn Rawson and Anthony Sweat,  Professor Muhlestein and I will be participating in the “Knowing Joseph Seminar” that will be held in Ephraim, Utah, at the Eccles Center for the Performing Arts of Snow College, this coming Saturday, 27 October 2018.  Off hand, I don’t know what Dr. Muhlestein will be addressing there.  My topic will be “What Should We Make of the Witnesses of the Book of Mormon?”


The seminar has been organized by “History of the Saints.”  I hope that some of you will be able to attend.


Glenn Rawson's seminar
This coming weekend. I intend to be there. Will you?




As my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold — everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment — an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by – I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, ‘Can you see anything?’ it was all I could do to get out the words, “Yes, wonderful things.” 

Howard Carter, The Tomb of Tutankhamen



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