Will Justice Ginsburg afford Mr. Trump another chance for an appointment to the Supreme Court?

Will Justice Ginsburg afford Mr. Trump another chance for an appointment to the Supreme Court? August 24, 2019


SCOTUS Bldg. in twilight
The Supreme Court Building in Washington DC    (Wikimedia Commons public domain image)


There is significant and potentially history-making news out of Washington DC:


“Ruth Bader Ginsburg treated for malignant tumor on pancreas, Supreme Court says”


“Dr. Marc Siegel praises Ginsburg as ‘fighter’ amid latest cancer battle”


I would love to see the Trump administration have the opportunity to make another appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States.  His court appointments have been helping me to endure the presidency of Mr. Donald J. Trump, and they’re of vital importance.


“A Slow News Month for Trump: We’re not going to have the time for serious reflection or thought at all if we let the president have all the attention he covets.”


“A Buffet Table of Bad Options for Anti-Trump Conservatives in 2020: The Republican options beyond the president have their own considerable flaws.”


But I won’t be happy if it’s the death or incapacity of Ruth Bader Ginsburg that provides such an opportunity for another Trump appointment.  For one thing, despite my deep disagreements with Justice Ginsburg, I like and respect her — and I note that the late Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the greatest conservative justices ever to serve on the Supreme Court, also liked and respected her.  They got along famously well and were good friends.  More fundamentally, though, I simply can’t find it in my heart to rejoice in the death of another human being.  The late Führer, maybe.  Maybe Stalin, too.  And I wasn’t all that broken up about the passing of ‘Usama b. Ladin.  But to salivate at the prospect of Justice Ginsburg’s passing?  Nope.  I can’t do that.


I’ve never — to put it mildly — been a fan of the execrable Bill Maher (see here, for example), and I find what he had to say about the passing of the libertarian-conservative billionaire David Koch beyond disgusting:


“Bill Maher Has No Tears For David Koch: “I’m Glad He’s Dead And I Hope The End Was Painful””


The partisan hatreds that so divide us today ought, at the very least, to stop at the cemetery.  There are far more important and fundamental matters than political disputes.


I feel the same way, though, about the disgustingly unseemly keggers and celebrations that not uncommonly attend the executions of convicted murderers:


“His Name Was David”


Even the justifiable death of a genuinely evil person is a solemn event, not an occasion for partying and high-fives.  And neither David Koch nor Ruth Bader Ginsburg, so far as I can tell, is an evil person.  (In case it will help:  Some on the left, consumed with hatred for the Koch brothers, seem unaware that both of them, just like Justice Ginsburg, opposed the election of Donald Trump.)



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