Church history, then and now

Church history, then and now September 5, 2019


James Jordan photo at Upper Canada Village
At Upper Canada Village, Ontario, where an Interpreter Foundation film crew is working on dramatic footage for our “Witnesses” project. Like all previous photographs from the Upper Canada Village shoot, this photo was taken by James Jordan, a central figure in the effort. It appears here by his permission.


The latest installment of my bi-weekly column for the Deseret News has appeared:


“How do you write the biography of Brigham Young?”


Laying down the tracks.
Film production is labor-intensive work, and relatively little of that work is actually “foregrounded” such that it’s visible on the screen.   (Still photo by James Jordan.)


Here are some articles from the Deseret News that you might have missed regarding President Russell M. Nelson’s just-concluded “ministry tour” to Central and South America:


“Colombian leaders thank President Nelson for church’s support of religious liberty in their nation: “We are doing important things together. We are promoting cooperation between religions and government,” said Lorena Rios, Colombia’s director of Religious Affairs.”


“Nations are stronger when they support families, religious pluralism, President Nelson tells world leaders on tour: “A plural society with religious orientations are very strengthening to the values of a country and the strength of families,” President Russell M. Nelson told Colombia President Iván Duque on Monday.”


“President Nelson meets with President Lenín Moreno in Ecuador, where church-supported program helps hospitalized children: Ecuadorians laud Latter-day Saint effort in educating sick children”


Edwin Kelly with spring water
“David Whitmer” (left, played by Paul Kandarian) and “Edwin Kelly” (second left, played by Ted Charette) enjoy a short break between takes. Presumably, the plastic bottle of water in Ted Charette’s hands will not make it into the final cut. (Still photograph taken by James Jordan.)


I liked this message from Elder Gary Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:


“Spiritual Eclipse”


Nighttime at the Whitmer Livery Stable
Filming at the “Whitmer Livery” wrapped up on Wednesday night in Upper Canada Village;
(Still photograph courtesy of James Jordan)


We didn’t have a good outing with the University of Utah last time.  Or the time before that.  Or the time before that.  Or the time before that.  Or the  time before that.


Or the time before that.  Or the time before that.  Or the time before that.


Or the time before that.


Still, though . . .


“ESPN’s Bomani Jones: “BYU Football is the most visual public representation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”:  “Wherever they show up people are going to buy tickets to watch them play football. It’s a great way to carry the brand of your message.”



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