“Dealing with the Dead”

“Dealing with the Dead” September 28, 2019


James Jordan showing Lucy Harris and surrounding members of the crew.
Members of the crew ready “Lucy Harris” for a scene in the Interpreter Foundation’s Witnesses film project.   (Still photograph by James Jordan)


If you’re interested in contributing financially to the work of the Interpreter Foundation, here is how to do it:


“Donating to The Interpreter Foundation”




The latest Hamblin/Peterson column has appeared in the Deseret News:


“Dealing with the dead: One of life’s great truths is the inevitability of death. How to understand death and treat the dead are among the great questions facing religions.”




One of the bits of supporting evidence that some Latter-day Saints (including your humble servant) have adduced in favor of the authentic antiquity of the Book of Mormon is the place name Jershon,


It was virtually inevitable, since Jershon seems a rather strong (though admittedly relatively small) piece of evidence for the Book of Mormon’s genuinely Semitic antiquity that those who are determined to rebut such claims for the book would seek to neutralize or destroy it.  In a short essay on his blog Ploni Almoni, Stephen Smoot examines one such attempt:


“Zelph on the Shelf Can’t Read Hebrew (or English, Apparently)”




From the very helpful new Pearl of Great Price Central website:


“Jews in Ancient Egypt”




The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has now released the second in its series of Book of Mormon videos.  This one is just under 26 minutes in length:


“Nephi Is Led by the Spirit to Obtain the Plates of Brass | 1 Nephi 3–5 | Book of Mormon”




I like this article, which recounts an unhappy wife’s response to a 1992 conference talk by Elder Richard G. Scott that, in other quarters, generated considerable indignation (based upon, in my view, considerable misreading):


“A Prompting to Call an Apostle and What It Taught One Woman About How the Lord Works”




We recognize what is lovely because we have seen it somewhere else, and as we walk through the world, we are constantly on the watch for it with a kind of nostalgia, so that when we see an object or a person that pleases us, it is like recognizing an old friend; it hits us in the solar plexus, and we need no measuring or lecturing to tell us that it is indeed quite perfect. It is something we have long been looking for, something we have seen in another world, memories of how things should be.

“Goods of First and Second Intent,” Collected Works of Hugh Nibley 9:528



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