“Video: Bishopric invites their congregation back to church with a little Billy Joel flair”

“Video: Bishopric invites their congregation back to church with a little Billy Joel flair” October 12, 2020


Velociraptors, perhaps?
A group of my fellow dinosaurs on the hunt in the Dinosaur Museum in Blanding, Utah. These sculptures were apparently created by Stephen Czerkas. Based on seeing his work here, I hope that he will one day receive a commission to do a sculpture, or at least a portrait bust, of ME.


I have to admit that this little item  is really, really well done.  Take three minutes and watch the video, a hilarious gift from the bishopric of the Highland Utah 19th Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:


“Video: Bishopric invites their congregation back to church with a little Billy Joel flair”


“There is no music in hell,” said President Brigham Young, “for all good music belongs to heaven.”  I suspect that the same is true of good non-wounding humor.




More serious, but still very enjoyable, here are a trio of songs from the Kaysville, Utah, father and daughter duo of Mat and Savanna Shaw:


“Fly Me to the Moon”/“Come Fly With Me”


Josh Groban’s “You Raise Me Up,” 


“The Prayer”


If you are blessed with musical talent, develop a wide range of goodmusic. There is so much wonderful, uplifting music available that we can experience to our advantage. Our people ought to be surrounded by goodmusic of all kinds. Parents ought to foster good music in the home and cultivate a desire to have their children learn the hymns of inspiration. The time for music lessons seems to come along when there are so many other expenses for the family with little children. But we encourage parents to include musical training in the lives of their children.  (Elder Boyd K. Packer, “Inspiring Music – Worthy Thoughts,” Fall General Conference, October 1973)




We’re pretty forgettable, on the whole, except for our weird religious faith:


“Joe Biden Forgets Name Of 2012 Opponent, Dubs Mitt Romney The ‘Mormon’”


I mean, there’s even a town in San Juan County, down in the southeastern corner of Utah, that’s called Blanding.




It shouldn’t take you too much effort to locate an angle in this story that will make it suitable for your Christopher Hitchens Memorial “How Religion Poisons Everything” File and even for weaponizing it, specifically, as an instance of the evils routinely wrought by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:


“World Food Program wins Nobel Peace Prize and puts focus on the need to feed the world: COVID-19, other causes could double the number of the world’s hungry this year as food organization and Latter-day Saint Charities rush to help”



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