Equal pay for women!

Equal pay for women! February 23, 2015


A 1903 sweatshop in Chicago
A typical scene in today’s corporate Amerika


I’ve heard various numbers about unequal pay for women who do equal work.  Sometimes I’m told that women are paid $0.72 for each $1.00 paid to men.  Sometimes the figure that’s given is  $0.77.


This gross injustice toward women has rightly drawn attention from our intellectual elite.


Perhaps Hollywood should lead out on the topic!


And a Hillary Clinton presidency will definitely bring equality for women.


But this isn’t only a criminal injustice against women, it’s also an indictment of the stupidity of their employers:


If women are really willing to do exactly the same work for only 72% of what men demand, why do American businesses continue to employ any males at all?


Consider a small business employing twenty men at an average annual salary of $50,000.  That would come to a yearly payroll of $1,000,000.


But that small business could hire women to do exactly the same work for only $720,000 — reaping painless savings of $280,000 each year.


That’s well over a quarter of a million dollars that could go into the pocket of the typical, greedy, sexist, white, bigoted, bottom-feeding, Republican (am I being redundant?) small businessman without the slightest loss of productivity — or he could use it, say, to hire nearly four additional (female) employees, thus expanding his company’s workforce by fully 20%.


Over the course of just a decade, so sagacious an employer of twenty women could net $2,800,000.00 without losing a thing.


And, with that decade’s savings alone, our hypothetical small business owner could easily buy a luxury yacht, a nice beach cottage, and a mountain cabin.


As we all know, though, American businessmen aren’t really out to make a profit so much as to enforce patriarchy.


Or, alternatively (just a thought), maybe this issue is largely bogus.



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