Two miracle stories

Two miracle stories June 17, 2015


The first temple in the Philippines
The Manilla Philippines Temple




I just came across this account, describing what some (include Elder Dallin H. Oaks, of the Council of the Twelve) regard as the miraculous preservation of the Manilla Philippines Temple back in December of 1989:


I hadn’t heard the story before.




Last night, Monday night, my wife and I attended a showing of The Cokeville Miracle.  Years ago, I read some things about the remarkable 1986 story upon which the film is based, and I’ve spoken with people who had family members there in Cokeville, Wyoming.  And, just a few years back, I even stopped off in Cokeville while driving home from Yellowstone, wanting to have a sense for where the events unfolded.


That said, I still learned a few things about the story that I hadn’t known.  I assume, though I don’t know it for certain, that they’re based in fact.


The standard source on the events at Cokeville has long been the book by Judene and Hartt Wixom, which, I believe, has now been reissued under a revised title in connection with the movie.  The Wixoms’ son Kamron, twelve years old at the time, was among the hostages at the elementary school.


There’s also another book, of which I wasn’t aware, that I now intend to read:*Version*=1&*entries*=0


Here’s a good website on the story, including eyewitness accounts:


I like its banner headline:  “If you don’t believe in divine intervention then you weren’t there that day,” which it attributes to “Scott Miller, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.”



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