Knowest thou the condescension of some folks?

Knowest thou the condescension of some folks? November 19, 2015


Joseph F. Smith with counselors in 1905
Probably the most current photo of the First Presidency
(Wikimedia Commons)


There are people out there working very hard to save us Mormons from ourselves and, by redefining our faith to accord more fully with current secular-progressive ideology, to try to make Mormonism less of a force for evil, hatred, exclusion, sheer obsolescence, and cruel harm.


Like the Buddha, who found enlightenment but nevertheless graciously chose to remain in this rather dismal life in order to help others attain enlightenment too, some of them have chosen to remain members of the Church.  As the Latin credo says of Jesus, qui propter nos homines et nostram salutem descendit de coelis [“For us and our salvation He came down from heaven”].


There’s a bit of a power struggle, of course:  The really deficient old white males who monopolize the highest offices in the Church refuse to hand their power over to those who should have it.


But the effort goes on, and we simple-minded Neanderthals should feel both honored and grateful for that:


Posted from Marbella, Spain



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