“An appeal to our fellow Catholics and to all men and women of good will”

“An appeal to our fellow Catholics and to all men and women of good will” March 11, 2016


Trump with his future ambassador to North Korea
Donald Trump and Dennis Rodman, in 2009
(Wikimedia Commons)
Just a speculation: Will Mr. Rodman be appointed President Trump’s ambassador to North Korea?


Some of the nation’s leading conservative Catholic intellectuals have come out in public opposition to the presidential candidacy of Mr. Donald Trump:




I wish I were more optimistic that such a statement will have even the slightest impact on the Caesarotrumpist movement.  Alas, though, I’m feeling more and more like a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by a people who are, in many ways, very foreign to me.  I’m mystified and disheartened by the high levels of support that Mr. Trump is receiving.


Incidentally, some have expressed surprise that I would recommend an anti-Trump (anti-Drumpf?) video by the left-leaning and somewhat rough-languaged John Oliver.  Which I did.


In reply, I note a remark from Sir Winston Churchill.  When Nazi Germany went to war with Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mr. Churchill advocated helping the Russians.  Some saw this as inconsistent with his fierce and life-long opposition to Communism.  Reproached with hypocrisy, Mr. Churchill famously responded as follows:  “If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”




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