“My life is worth more to me than that”

“My life is worth more to me than that” December 10, 2020


MOA Teichert First Vision
“The First Vision” (Minerva Teichert, 1934)
Brigham Young University Museum of Art


Newly posted on the website of the Interpreter Foundation:


Interpreter Radio Show — November 29, 2020

You can now listen to or download the 29 November 2020 broadcast of the Interpreter Radio Show below. It will also be included in our podcast feed (https://interpreterfoundation.org/feeds/podcast). The discussants for this episode were Daniel C. Peterson and Martin Tanner. In one hour of this installment — which, I can safely report, at least one of the participants greatly enjoyed — Brothers Tanner and Peterson discussed the First Vision in connection with reports of “near death experiences.”  During the other hour, in the first portion of the show, they conducted a roundtable discussing the upcoming Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants lesson #2 (Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26). The Interpreter Radio Show can be heard Sunday evenings from 7 to 9 PM (MDT), on K-TALK, AM 1640, or you can listen live on the Internet (from just about anywhere) at ktalkmedia.com.


And here’s something from Jeff Bradshaw that you won’t want to miss.  It’s very appropriate for the season:


“Exploring the Symbolism of Christ in Ancient Christmas Carols and Traditions: Temple Themes in Luke’s Account of the Angels and the Shepherds”




“Peter” of Neville Nevill Land , whose identity in real life I do not know, calls our attention to


“An excellent review of Nevilleʼs recent posts”


He is citing this very good blog entry by Spencer Kraus:


“Another Response to Jonathan Neville, Critic of the Church”




On a more positive note, here’s something that you might enjoy, from Matt Roper’s blog, Ether’s Cave:


“”Do ye not behold that the seed of Zedekiah are with us?” Mulek and the people of Zarahemla”




Finally, on a wonderfully positive note, I love this statement from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, who recently (and, to me, almost unbelievably) celebrated his eightieth birthday.  I’ve been privileged to be personally acquainted with Elder Holland since before his call to serve as a member of the Seventy and his subsequent appointment to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and I know him to be a kind, genuine, sincere, intelligent, and dedicated man:


“My testimony to the Church and to the world is that this is true. This is God’s very truth. This is not a fairy tale. This is not something that I get up every morning, and ask myself, ‘How can I go fool another group of people today? How can I go pretend that something’s true? How can I go work a great fiction on the public?’ I would not do that, and my life is worth more to me than that, and my witness to my children and my children’s children is worth more than that, means more than that, my integrity is more than that.

“I get up every morning saying, not how can I pretend, not how can I act like this is true. My plea every morning of my life is, how can I convey what I know to be more true than anything on the face of this earth? How can I convey to some person, or persons, the reality of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the fact that God lives, that the heavens are open? I have a commission to stand by the Savior of the world, to defend Him and defend the Rock that He is.”

— “My Testimony,” Church News video (30 November 2020



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