August 20, 2011

I have always had some nervousness about not being able to fulfill some of what appears to be sterotypes in the Black community. Black people are suppose to have rhythm, be able to dance and drum. I can’t really do either and this has always created a lot of pressure on me. And then came Yemaya; oh boy. I have always held myself back from picking up a drum and jammin, even though I know this is one of the... Read more

August 17, 2011

Tonight at Sacred Harvest Festival I had a wonderful conversation with a very knowledgable and gifted woman named Spiral. Our conversation started at one end and went to another, it was an enjoyable and thought provoking experience all around for me. It got me to really thinking about how we allow ourselves to choose spiritual means that feel comfortable and provide a sense of control within how we choose to relate to deity. So many people choose deities to work... Read more

August 10, 2011

Inspired by many responses we’d like to celebrate, highlight, and acknowledge Pagans/Wiccan people of color authors, bloggers, vbloggers (video bloggers) and organizations in our community. We’re trying to feature as many people of color along our shared path, maximum of once a month; although we desire to have this feature weekly. If you’re interested in being profiled or know anyone who may like to be profiled please email and/or share my email address, Nouvelle Noir Goddess, @ . In... Read more

August 4, 2011

Black Black LGBT Marriages and Interracial Marriage: It May be Apples and Oranges to Many; Yet, Both are Still Fruits   Back in September of 2010, I wrote a piece for Beautifully Said online magazine, black run and owned, regarding “The Other Sexuality.” The piece is how I view LGBT relationships within the scope of the black American community, entangled with my spirituality and in correlation with interracial relationships. All the while, I had to be “cautious” with my words,... Read more

July 29, 2011

Psychology of Women Quarterly recently published a report citing the ineffectiveness of the coping strategies of black women dealing with racism in June. The black media outlets are debating this recent study and I thought to interject my personal opinion on this topic, on Daughters of Eve, since many of us have used incense, candles, and rituals as part of our way of life and/or spirituality. I actually listened to the full podcast interview by the author of the study,... Read more

July 23, 2011

Mystical Hoodoo with Mother Mystic Reiki Master, Founder of Rhode Island Temple of Divine Spirit, Root worker, Psychic, and owner of Mother Mystic Spiritual Apothecary (179 Dean Street, Providence, Rhode Island) sat down with me to discuss the basics of Hoodoo and her work as a root worker. NNG: What is your definition of Hoodoo? MM: It’s the actual work that got separated from the Vodou religion that came to New Orleans. What they call New Orleans Voodoo is a... Read more

July 9, 2011

My shadow is not my enemy, although it can often feel that way.  Society often associates the dark with what is scary, evil or fear provoking.  It can often feel as if our shadows are the darkness of our psyche following us around and lurking for a chance to infiltrate our lives.  The shadow often holds what people would rather stuff away and forget about.  I have come to understand that my shadow is not my enemy, it is not... Read more

June 24, 2011

The clash of cultures can take an interesting turn in the areas of worship and often people can get stuck in the roles that are projected onto them.  I don’t think that I am any different and have continued to break that mold throughout my life. Being Wiccan comes with its own culture, expectations and “norms”, just like being Black.  It is a fusion that is an intricate dance on the line of heritage and spirituality; one in the same... Read more

June 11, 2011

Unless you are Black, then you just think you are attractive when the rest of the world knows the “truth”.  Such a harsh statement and yet society continues to promote ideals of racism and prejudices towards people of color while hiding behind titles of science and psychology.Yes, it was that article that upset a lot of people… the article published through Psychology Today, one of the largest psychology forums out there, where psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa wrote an article titled “Why... Read more

June 7, 2011

Diplomatic Goddess Archetype: The Controversial Rihanna’s Video Diplomatic Goddess Archetype defined by expresses, “The Diplomat is able to mediate between different groups as they able to quickly assess the situation, understanding both sides point of view and is able to help them find a middle ground upon which they can both agree. Shadow Diplomat manipulates both sides to achieve their own personal agenda.” This definition is to forewarn you that I will be tapping into both aspects: the dark... Read more

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