Father Ricci Said: Watch Women

Father Ricci Said: Watch Women October 6, 2014

Last night I quoted Rocco Buttiglione on St. John Paul II and Father Gustavo Gutierrez. Among the other good things in the interview was this advice on marriage. At the beginning he’d talked about how he returned to the Church as a young man through a group of young people who

were always together and very good friends with one another. I thought that my life was boring, but with them life was more interesting. They said that prayer was the element which gave strength to their friendships. They invited me to pray with them and I’m not sure even today why I did that, but I did.

Then, I met a girl. Women are the most important thing in life, you know? To be taken seriously by her, I had to take seriously her religiosity. It was another important step.

At the end, explaining why he is a Catholic, he returned to the subject.

The Church taught me the right way to fall in love, to be faithful in love, to let love grow, and to have children. The Church taught me what it means to be a man, and allowed me to find a woman who knew what it means to be a woman. Don Ricci taught me to watch women. He said: First the head, then the heart. Try to imagine that girl carrying a child, your son. Would you like to have that mother?

It is important to help young people understand the real meaning of sex and marriage. If you learn to make use of perhaps the most important force of life, there is nothing that can move you.

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