November 17, 2008

We hear plenty about happiness and unhappiness in our world. People run from job to job, from mate to mate and from reality to reality searching for happiness. But I’ve recently found a better answer – joy. A few weeks back, God taught me a lesson about true joy through a week-long trip to the Philippines. It was there, that I got to see God alive in others. What struck me about my visit was the stark contrast between the... Read more

November 13, 2008

Let’s face it, we are all dispensable. Nearly every professional can be replaced by a new method, a machine or another person. In fact we will be replaced; it’s the inevitability of the marketplace. Companies are organisms that live on when single cells die off – even when they are seemingly big cells like a CEO. When we eventually disappear, will there be any effect? Will there even be a ripple on the water? Would we be missed by our... Read more

November 11, 2008

We’ve had more than 50 different reactions on Sabbath rest over the last two weeks. The collected works all agree — setting aside time in obedience to God can change your life. Conversations in Faith has a wonderful post chronicling her life of hard effort through school and work. We all instinctively know that sloth gets us nowhere. But now, after a period of forced Sabbath (a common theme, it seems,) Nancy learned to appreciate the rest – “I could... Read more

November 9, 2008

“My trust was misplaced.” “They disappointed me.” “They’re not worthy of my respect.” “They should pay.” Have you ever felt this way about your superiors? If you work at some place like AIG or Enron, who could argue with your feelings? But this kind of frustration goes on at workplaces all across America and nearly everyone, at some point or another, has had some sort of animosity towards those in charge. But here’s the question you need to answer: Is... Read more

November 6, 2008

The response to the group writing project has been encouraging. And we all need some help with understanding and practicing rest as God intended. Kay Martin, at the motivational blog, “Thrive Christian,” said that her main problem was “unbelief. “ “Until I faced that I believed in my problems more than I believed in the power of God, I had no rest….’Is God able?’ If I believe He is able, in all things, I am in His rest.” read the... Read more

November 3, 2008

“Vote 2008” is finally drawing to a close. (Insert loud sigh here) The passion surrounding this election is breathtaking. Many people are pinning some huge hopes on “their” candidate. Fervently, they believe if the results go their way, that all of their troubles will be solved. One woman was shown in a television interview praying the election would go a certain way because she is hoping that someone else would pay her mortgage and fuel for her car. Her rescue... Read more

October 31, 2008

Thanks to some great participation, our Group Writing Project has seen a number of excellent insights to the idea of Sabbath Rest. It’s not too late for you…see the end of the post for more details. Inside Work has a fascinating piece on the difference between “intimacy” and “activity.” And that’s precisely the point of the Sabbath. God isn’t impressed with your busyness. He wants your heart and sometimes, the only way to do that is to rest. Read the... Read more

October 29, 2008

Many of you are already responding to the call to reflect on Sabbath rest. The effort is current the feature on Group Writing Projects.Jennifer, the writer of the beautifully reflective blog, Getting down with Jesus, at first experienced guilt because of her busyness. But then she reflects, “If rest is entering the presence of God, if it is leaning back into His arms, if it is experiencing His grace, then I am drowning in rest.” Read the rest of her... Read more

October 26, 2008

Have you ever experienced true rest? What is your experience?Was your sabbath an hour, a day or an entire season? As a group, let’s discuss this spiritual discipline. If you’re a blogger, write a blogpost and then send us a link. If you don’t have a blog, just click here , send your thoughts. Or, if just have a few comments, click here. Here is the Red Letter Believer post on this subject. Please, share with a friend if you... Read more

October 26, 2008

“We interrupt this regularly scheduled week…..” A friend recently wrote about her need for programmed rest — taking time away from electronics, shopping, cleaning and work. Another friend is taking some time off from ‘social networking,’ putting down the PDA, blog and twitter for a season. God had a similar idea. He called it, “the Sabbath.” The concept, institutionalized in the 10th commandment, was that one day of the week would be given to family, rest and worship. No fields... Read more

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