December 20, 2008

Blame the President. Blame Congress. Blame the oil companies. Blame the banks. Blame the rich. Blame the Democrats. Blame the Republicans. Blame Wall Street. Blame Hollywood. And this national blame game spills over into our personal lives. We blame coworkers for not producing. We blame spouses for not communicating. We blame the other guy for causing the accident. Rarely do we hear the words, “Blame me.” There’s a tendency to look at everyone else’s work and find fault. We shared... Read more

December 19, 2008

This is an open invitation to everyone to reflect on this past year. Listen to the news or read the papers, and it hasn’t been such a hot 12 months on a number of fronts. But we know that our God isn’t one constrained by the latest economic or political news. He’s not one to wait till consumer confidence picks up. He’s the same today, yesterday and forever. So, in what ways has God blessed you this year? Perhaps this... Read more

December 13, 2008

There’s a difference between showing up in life and actually being ‘present’. Take the average workplace. Anyone can just punch in, fill a seat for eight hours, punch out and cash the checks – and never really be seen, heard or felt by any other person. But to be present means to bring your God-given talents with you and use them to make an impact, to let people know you are there to make a difference. The best way to... Read more

December 10, 2008

We all have things that we are gifted to do. Some of us are good with numbers. Others are good with words. Some of us are good with our hands. Some are good with their minds. It’s the variety that makes the people around us so interesting. And that’s the way it is at work. Hopefully, you are excellent at what you do. In fact, Scripture calls you to excellence. But there can be a slow creep when you know... Read more

December 8, 2008

Amidst the songs and sermons and outreach and discipleship that goes on in today’s churches, there is an elephant in the sanctuary – a silent, unspoken force. It’s the workplace. Secular work is rarely discussed from the pulpit, despite the fact that the vast majority of Christians spend most of their time at the workplace. We have sermons, seminars, Bible studies and workgroups that support Finances, Family, Spiritual gifts and even sex are given full measures of support. But it’s... Read more

December 5, 2008

When we talk to people about how they can change their world, a common response is “I’m not ready for that yet.”There is a tremendous sense of inadequacy. Indeed, we are all beset by sins and failures, fears and temptations. We keep hoping to get a grip on this thing called Christianity. But being a Red Letter Believer means that you take on the words of Christ and you begin to not just believe in them, but you begin to... Read more

November 29, 2008

Click, click, click, click, click…the rollercoaster slowly ratchets up the steep hill, the mechanical track catching the weight of the cars as they are pushed upward towards the man made hill’s crest, there is no turning back now. The solid rubber harness is pulled tight over your head, pressing down on your shoulders and grinding against your collar bones, pushing against your chest restraining your breath, your neck is unable to turn your head left or right forcing your eyes... Read more

November 24, 2008

Christians in this brave, new world are in a conundrum. We have a 2,000 year old faith that is increasingly pushed to irrelevancy by well-funded skepticism, unprecedented sensual freedom, and a growing tide of dispassionate boredom with anything that doesn’t immediately satisfy. Do you feel out of the mainstream? The Christian message of original sin, the need for a Savior and an eternal destination seems so dated when compared to an entertainment-fueled pop culture that does its very best to... Read more

November 21, 2008

The turkey and all the trimmings is a looking a little different for many Americans this year.It seems that Tom is noticably slimmer and the trimmings are obviously fewer, thanks to trillions of dollars lost in market equity, rising unemployment and record drops in home prices. On top of that, our faith is definitely “on the outs” in society and rampant immorality reigns. Our once popular and prosperous gospel has been shown the door. Things haven’t looked this bleak for... Read more

November 19, 2008

“It’s going to be another long day.”“Can’t hardly wait till Friday.”“This place is really getting on my nerves.” Heard these words lately? Maybe they’re coming from the next cubicle, or the guy on the dock, or the guy running the buffer. Maybe these words are even coming from your mouth. In many ways, what we say becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. If you proclaim it’s going to be a long week, it’s probably will be. If you say your boss... Read more

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