Suffering from Shiny Object Syndrome?

Suffering from Shiny Object Syndrome? October 7, 2010

I suffer from shiny object syndrome (SOS).

I once fell down a flight of stairs because I was fidgeting with a tight buttonhole on my shirt and missed a step.

And then there was the time I backed into a street light because I was looking at gleaming new car that was parked next to me.

The Internet is a great place for Shiny objects. I click here. And then a blue click here appears. “Oh, pretty!”
And then before you know it, I’m so far off course, I don’t know how I got there. It’s a surfer’s nightmare. Floating way out in the ocean, when all I wanted was to catch that little wave.

I lose my way on projects at work and home, SOS kicking in full gear, while I fuss away at something else. Great books lie by bedside, a bookmark collecting dust after just a few chapters because I found a “better” read.

My spiritual life has been littered by SOS. There was a day when I fixated on the end-times. Larry Norman sang, “I Wish we’d all been Readyand Hal Lindsay preached about the Late Great Planet Earth. Then I moved to personal evangelism, passing out Four Spiritual Laws and telling people “I found It” I went through the creation phase in my life, heaven-bent on showing the intelligence in the design. And then I had an apologetics season, where proof texts could destroy any secular argument.
Now, I realize I just need a faith fixation. All the end-of-days-evangelism-apologetic-creationism stuff really doesn’t matter when all you really need is Jesus.

My Shiny Object. This is one obsession I hope to never get over.

What do you obsess over? Is it work?  Housekeeping? Cars? Money? How do you overcome it? Comment here.

We  join Bonnie Gray’s Faith Barista Jam today. “Faith and Personality”
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