"March Madness" and the case against Fr. Corapi

"March Madness" and the case against Fr. Corapi March 20, 2011

Dr. Gerard Nadal — a frequent visitor and commenter here — says aloud on his own blog what many have been thinking:

It is possible that the allegations are true in whole, or in part. While I strongly doubt that may be the case, it is nevertheless a possibility, grounded in the reality of past cases of very public clergy, and people should have that level of awareness. That of course raises what for me is the absolute certainty of a grotesque immorality that has been committed here, though not by Father Corapi. He has been placed on administrative leave, which is tantamount to being tarred and feathered in public, before any reasonable investigation has taken place…

…Innocent or guilty, the minimum standard of due process and the presumption of innocence ought to apply to our priests, as they do for the rest of us. That increasingly they do not is a sin greater than a priest’s dalliance. Our priests sacrifice marriage, family, career, etc for us. It’s about time the laity demand justice for the accused. If we don’t, we deserve empty seminaries.

Check out the rest.

Also blogging, and adding context: Diane over at Te Deum Laudamas.

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