Call off the search team!

Call off the search team! May 17, 2011

I’m fine.  If anyone was wondering where I’ve been, no worries:  I’m taking a couple weeks off to celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary.  My bride and I are in sunny Orlando, where we’re spending an inordinate amount of time sleeping late and over-eating and rubbing elbows with royalty.  (This place is crawling with princesses, by the way — many under the age of five.)

Last night, we had dinner with Cinderella, who was delighted to learn we were celebrating our anniversary.  “How wonderful,” she cooed, as only she can.  “Did you two also meet at a royal ball?”

Anyway, I hope to post more soon.  Meantime, since I’m in an anniversary mood, a little celebratory music, below.

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