Pics from Pittsburgh

Pics from Pittsburgh July 2, 2011

I know you all have been breathlessly awaiting pictures from the Catholic Media Convention last week in Pittsburgh.  The wait is over.

Pittsburgh is a lovely city, and not at all what a lot of us expected.  No rust, no smokestacks.  Lots of hills and ballparks.  Below, the view from my hotel room.

There were bishops hanging around. Nice fellows like Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh and the jolly Bishop Gabino Zavala, from Los Angeles, shown below.
And there were bloggers like Elizabeth Scalia.
My boss Michael LaCivita led a panel on reporting from the Middle East.
And the whole thing wrapped up with the Catholic Press Association awards, which consisted of three people reading a long long long list of names for about 90 minutes. Thankfully, there was also wine.
A good time was had by all. As an added bonus: while going through security in the Pittsburgh Airport Friday afternoon, who should I see but Miss Teen West Virginia! (She was wearing her sash. I don’t know where she kept her tiara.)

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