The life of a priest: "Too much of a good thing"

The life of a priest: "Too much of a good thing" July 29, 2011

At my parish, we’re in the middle of an annual novena to St. John Vianney, praying for vocations to the priesthood.

It’s a beautiful tradition in our church; we begin the novena with a jubiliarian celebrating mass, and we conclude nine days later with a newly ordained priest, who also offers special individual blessings after the Sunday liturgy.

I thought of this today when I stumbled on this enlightening post by Msgr. Charles Pope, about the busy life of a parish priest.

After describing all the things that crammed into just one day, he notes:

Truth be told, we priests are busy, but not so much busier than most people. I think of my brothers who work all day and then come home to homes full of kids and ten thousand, thousand things to do each week. Their wives too, have lists that are endless, and I’ll bet you do as well. Life is full, but also fulfilling, if we find some boundaries, and love what we do by God’s grace.

Amen.  Most deacons, I’m sure, can relate, too.

Check out his post and see what you think.

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