Love one another: Christians raise money for atheist to have eye surgery

Love one another: Christians raise money for atheist to have eye surgery March 26, 2012

Wow.   An amazing story from Texas.  H/T to Nancy over at What She Said.

Check this out:

Patrick Greene says he has always been “treated like dirt” by Christians because of his atheistic beliefs.

That recently changed, leaving Greene “completely flabbergasted.”It happened when some Henderson County Christians offered Greene financial assistance with a medical problem despite his opposition to a nativity scene on the courthouse square.

Greene is the San Antonio atheist who threatened to sue in an attempt to force Henderson County officials to remove its nativity scene. Greene also filed a complaint with the state against the county judge for not removing a county commissioner for remarks supporting the nativity scene.

Greene dropped consideration of the lawsuit after being told by medical personnel he could at any time go blind in at least one eye from a detached retina. Greene decided he could not pursue a lawsuit blind.

“I knew of his lawsuit and threats and thought how sad it was for him to be so bitter toward Christians,” Jessica Crye, of Athens, said. “I thought he must have never felt the love of God through Christians. I also thought about how scary that must be.” 

Upon hearing about Greene’s plight with his eyes, Ms. Crye spearheaded a movement for a collection to send Greene.

Ms. Crye said she knows most people in Henderson County see the condition of his eyes as a “victory because he is leaving us alone.” 

But Ms. Crye saw the situation differently.

“Why not turn this into something else? This is a great opportunity to turn the other cheek and show God’s love,” she said.

Ms. Crye contacted her pastor, the Rev. Erick Graham, of Sand Springs Baptist Church, and the drive for a collection for Greene gained momentum.

It was announced to the Christian community of Henderson County, and donations came in not just from members of Sand Springs Church but from the community at large, Graham said.

“We didn’t have to think about it or pray about (it). We saw the need,” Graham said. “We don’t discriminate on who we help, whether they are Christians or non-Christians, church members or not. We just help those with a need.”

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