Believe in possibility: check out this amazing one-handed basketball player

Believe in possibility: check out this amazing one-handed basketball player December 14, 2012

Prepare to be awed and inspired.

From HuffPo: 

Zach Hodskins, the 6’2″ junior guard of Milton High School’s basketball team, has competed — and won — against some of the top high school players in the country. The Georgia teen is a skilled player, despite the fact that he only has one arm. Hodskins has never let any physical obstacles hold him back, as a new video from demonstrates.

The one-minute montage of clips showcases Hodskins’ incredible talent on the court as he kills the competition in a series of games. As one YouTube commenter quipped, “The awkward moment when he is better than you when you have two hands…” Check out the video above to see his skills for yourself.

Check it out below.

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