“Prophetic is probably the best word for the role the pope is playing…”

“Prophetic is probably the best word for the role the pope is playing…” December 10, 2013

“The pope is not a politician, a media loudmouth or an activist. He is a religious figure, wholly dedicated to representing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as he understands it to a world caught up in a thousand other things.

As conservative Catholic George Weigel writes, ‘Pope Francis is a revolutionary. The revolution he proposes, however, is not a matter of economic or political prescription, but a revolution in the self-understanding of the Catholic Church.’

Prophetic is probably the best word for the role the pope is playing — not in the sense of predicting the future, but of standing outside of business and politics as usual and speaking hard and inconvenient moral truths.”

—Tom Krattenmaker, religion writer

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