Mass in Charlotte

Mass in Charlotte June 18, 2014

Journalists gathered for the Catholic Media Conference attended Mass tonight at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Charlottewhich is a little different from the St. Patrick’s I know in New York.

When you look up, you’re awed. The ceiling is just gorgeous.

The building itself, meantime, is more like a parish church than a traditional cathedral, with an intimate and friendly atmosphere.

There’s a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Sorrows, with her heart pierced by swords.

Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass.

And at communion time, there were servers holding patens.

Oh: the Knights of Columbus were there, too.

Music included “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven,” “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” and “Now Thank We All Our God.” For a daily Mass, Charlotte pulled out all the stops. It was something truly special and memorable.

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