Pope leads Corpus Christi procession, honors persecuted Christians

Pope leads Corpus Christi procession, honors persecuted Christians June 4, 2015

From Catholic News Agency:

Persecuted Christians were remembered during Thursday’s Corpus Christi procession in Rome, where Pope Francis told the thousands taking part to walk and pray in unity with those who cannot express their faith so openly.

“Let us feel united with them: sing with them, give praise with them, worship with them,” the Roman Pontiff said in his homily for Mass said in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran June 4, celebrated just before the procession.

“As we walk along the street, we feel in communion with the many brothers and sisters who are not free to express their faith in the Lord Jesus.”

The Pope also remembered those who have been martyred for their faith.

“We venerate in our hearts those brothers and sisters who have been asked to sacrifice their lives in fidelity to Christ,” he said.

“May their blood, united to that of the Lord, be a token of peace and reconciliation for the whole world.”

Read on for more—including his beautiful remarks during the homily.

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