Horror: Lower-caste Catholic man killed for marrying wealthy Christian woman in Indian ‘honor killing’

Horror: Lower-caste Catholic man killed for marrying wealthy Christian woman in Indian ‘honor killing’ June 1, 2018

From CNS: 

The murder of a socially poor Dalit Catholic man who had married a woman belonging to an upper-caste Syrian Christian family has fueled protests across India’s southern state of Kerala.

Kevin P. Joseph, 26, a member of Vijayapuram Diocese, was murdered in a so-called honor killing May 28, five days after he married 20-year-old Neenu Chacko of an affluent Christian family in Kollam district against the wishes of some members of her family, ucanews.com reported.

The man was dragged out of his house in Kottayam district with his cousin and taken away by a gang allegedly hired by the girl’s family, police said. His body was later found in a stream in Thenmala in Kollam district. His cousin was released.

The victim’s father and wife told local media they approached police soon after the kidnapping, but that officers refused to respond, saying they were busy arranging security for a visit by Pinaryi Vijayan, chief minister of Kerala.

Neenu named her brother Shanu Chacko and 11 people as being responsible for the crime. Most gang members belong to the Democratic Youth Federation of India, a youth wing associated with Kerala’s ruling communist alliance.

…The murder has opened debate in Kerala about discrimination against Christians of lower-caste origin by upper-caste Christians, who claim to be descendants of the priestly caste of Hindu Brahmins converted by St. Thomas the Apostle in A.D. 52.

Widespread protests have been held recently by Dalit Christians in Kerala against the discrimination they face from upper-caste Christians, commonly known as Syrian Christians because of their ancient link with the Syrian Church and its liturgy.

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