July 4, 2011

If we had Chet Atkins in my parish, I’d argue to make every mass a “guitar mass.” (As long as Chet could play ’em all, of course…) Here he is, from 1978. If you’ve heard this tune a hundred times, you’ve probably never heard it like this. H/T to good ole Austin. Read more

July 4, 2011

And we turn another page in history. From the Boston Globe: He didn’t join the Army willingly, but as Command Sergeant Major Jeff Mellinger prepares to retire, he is grateful he found his calling. Mellinger, 58, was drafted to fight in the Vietnam War, and the Army believes he is the last draftee to retire, after 39 years. Most did their two years and left. But Mellinger had found home. “I think I’m pretty good at it, but I like... Read more

July 4, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, the story of Sgt. Reckless. (H/T to my sister in Maryland, a lifelong horse lover!) Read more

July 3, 2011

That’s the happy conclusion of this joy-filled deacon from Australia, who shares his enthusiasm for his vocation with the Catholic Leader newspaper of Brisbane: If a barometer existed to measure exuberant faith, Deacon Gary Stone’s reading would be off the charts. “I’m hyperactive,” he admits, grinning, easily elaborating on how ministry as a married deacon propels him to communicate such joy. “I have two jet engines. “One is the Sacrament of Marriage and one is the Sacrament of Holy Orders.... Read more

July 3, 2011

As a July 4th prelude, how about a little George M. Cohan? These two cats weren’t exactly in their prime when they did this, but you’d never know it.  (Bob Hope was 52, James Cagney 56.)  Here’s an exuberant celebration of talent, tenacity, and pure terpsichorean joy.  It’s a reminder that, in the great dance of life, we’re all ageless. Here’s Mr. Hope and Mr. Cagney (reprising his iconic role as Cohan that he danced to a fare-thee-well in “Yankee... Read more

July 3, 2011

The Holy See reports that it is back in the black. Details: The Vatican returned to profit last year after three years in the red but donations from the faithful fell nearly $15 million, or 18 percent, amid tough economic times and the explosion of the priest sex abuse scandal. The Vatican issued its annual financial report Saturday, saying it made a profit of $14.3 million in 2010 after a loss of $5.8 million a year earlier and losses in... Read more

July 3, 2011

That’s the title of a talk that Dr. Phyllis Zagano will be giving out in Long Island this week. A lot of readers will remember the lively discussion she sparked some weeks back with an open letter to the pope on the subject of women deacons.  Those who are in the area are invited to pop by to see what all the fuss is about. Details: Where: Tabor Center, 60 Anchor Avenue, Oceanside, NY (click the link for directions). When:... Read more

July 3, 2011

A priest friend posted this image on his Facebook page, from the good folks who produce the invaluable (but, evidently, spelling-challenged) iBreviary: Read more

July 2, 2011

Below, a brief report on the Catholic wedding of Prince Albert (not, it seems, in a can) and Charlene Wittstock.  This came a day after their civil ceremony. Given what has just happened in New York State with gay marriage, should the church in the United States get out of the marriage racket altogether and instead simply bless, or sacramentalize, already-instituted civil unions? Read more

July 2, 2011

I know you all have been breathlessly awaiting pictures from the Catholic Media Convention last week in Pittsburgh.  The wait is over. Pittsburgh is a lovely city, and not at all what a lot of us expected.  No rust, no smokestacks.  Lots of hills and ballparks.  Below, the view from my hotel room. There were bishops hanging around. Nice fellows like Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh and the jolly Bishop Gabino Zavala, from Los Angeles, shown below. And there were... Read more

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