“Here’s more good news…”

“Here’s more good news…” December 14, 2015

Photo by the author.
Photo by the author.

This will be a very short blog because it’s about one very simple idea. I wanted to share it because we’ve only been using it for a few days, but it’s already making a difference.

On Thursday, my husband Bob and I were getting ready to go out of town for an early Christmas with the kids. I’d checked the weather and found out it would be a balmy 70 degrees…way warmer than we expect in the Midwest in December.

Bob was working out in the garage, and I’d just told him I was packing his favorite snacks to take with us on the trip. When I thought about the temperature where we were going, I went to the garage again and said to him, “Here’s more good news…”

That phrase stuck in my mind.

“Here’s more good news…”

We’ve had so much bad news in the world recently that the phrase itself gave me some comfort. Spirit, as it often does, gave me a nudge and said, “Why don’t you focus on ‘Here’s more good news’ throughout the day? Find at least five things each day that you can preface with, ‘Here’s more good news…'”

It’s along the same lines as a gratitude journal or an abundance list. Just a little mind-training to look for the good as the day goes along, even if it’s something as simple as El Niño’s mild temperatures.

As an extra prompt, the phrase is now on our crazy kitchen chicken chalkboard (try saying that fast three times in a row!), where it serves as a reminder many times a day.

It has already helped us focus on how much good news we have in our lives daily that we often overlook.

HMGN…Here’s More Good News. Bob and I have challenged each other. Now I’m challenging you. The world needs us to shift our thoughts so we can see more of what’s right rather than everything that keeps us up at night, and this is a simple way to start.



P.S. I’d love to hear what you start noticing in your life. Please share in Comments.

Debra Engle is the author of The Only Little Prayer You Need: The Shortest Route to a Life of Joy, Abundance and Peace of Mind. You can find her at debraengle.com.

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