My thoughts on Biden’s speech regarding the tragic events in Israel and Gaza

My thoughts on Biden’s speech regarding the tragic events in Israel and Gaza October 8, 2023

While those in power “negotiate,” the suffering of those in the West Bank increases every day. This is why the status quo ain’t status quo

Violence begets violence. As Jesus said, “For all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword” (Matt 26:52).

The fact is that war affects the poor, the marginalized, and the average citizen far more than it affects those in power. In fact, it is often politically expedient for those in power to wage war.

Therefore, I join the Church (oh how I wish it were all of the Church) and the international community in condemning the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel. Our hearts and our prayers are with the people of Israel.

But they are also with the people of Gaza as Israel begins its violent response to yesterday’s attacks.

NB: I have been writing about and speaking about the issues in Israel-Palestine for more than 13 years. During this time, I have been quite calculated in my public statements. This issue is admittedly quite complex—aren’t all instances of global conflict? The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many in the church are deeply committed to defending Israel for what they believe are biblical reasons.

NBB: Nelson Kraybill and I will be in a live webinar discussing, “Israel and the End Times” on Tues Oct 10 at 1:00 EST. You can register here


I have also been quite outspoken when it comes to acknowledging the church’s history of antisemitism.

I am coming to the conviction, however, that caution is no longer the proper way to address this issue. As I wrote last year in a series of posts, (see links below), caution has merely allowed Israel to continue to oppress the Palestinian people to the point in which there is little hope. So at the risk of being misunderstood or targeted with some label that is designed to silence me, I write this post.

The US has Israel’s back: full stop!

One of Biden’s first statements was to vow that the US would never cease to have Israel’s back. To which he added, “Full stop.”

NB: It is worth noting here that nations only act when it is to their benefit—the US is no exception. Thus, I do not believe that Biden has made a similar speech condemning the incursion of Azerbaijan into Armenian territories causing as many as 100,000 Armenians to leave their homes—homes to which they will never return.

Why did Biden not defend the Christians in Armenia? Because the US has no interest in protecting the Christian communities in Armenia. It does not benefit them in any way.

So why did Biden make a speech when Israel was attacked by militant extremists from Gaza? Because it is the US’s interests to maintain their alliance with Israel.

Why else does the US continue to turn a blind eye to the acts of Saudi Arabia? Because it is in the US’s interest to have an ally like Saudi Arabia in the Middle East—especially one that controls so much oil.

Interestingly, both Israel and Saudi Arabia—our 2 allies in the region—have murdered American journalists in the last few years and in both instances, the US has turned a blind eye.

So before we come to the conclusion that the US is doing the “right” thing and Biden is an American hero for coming to the aid of Israel, we must first recognize that the US would only come to Israel’s aid if it has something to gain.

It should also be noted that most of the members of Congress also have a vested interest in maintaining support for Israel. The fact is that a large number of US citizens support the nation of Israel. Consequently, it is political suicide for most US elected officials to speak ill of Israel.

Thousands of missiles

Biden, then, most certainly in an effort to evoke empathy, described the attacks by stating that “thousands of missiles” were sent by “Hamas terrorists” into Israel—an action which I fully affirm is worthy of condemnation. He then added that “innocent people,” including “entire families,” were murdered by Hamas’ actions.

What was not mentioned, however, by Mr. Biden nor by any major media outlet that I am aware of is that Israel’s reprisals have also killed hundreds of Palestinian civilians including “entire families.” In fact, one of the repeating pictures on various news feeds was the destruction of a 10-story housing complex in Gaza which was leveled by the Israeli military in response to the attacks by Hamas.

An apartment building in Gaza is leveled by Israeli forces in response to the recent attacks by Hamas

Does Mr. Biden condemn the loss of “innocent people” including “entire families” when it includes Palestinians?

But they started it!

There is little doubt that the events this weekend were begun by the Gazans. They fired first.

But, as I noted in a blog post in July of this year (titled, Would the real terrorist please stand up!), we need to ask, “Why would Hamas fire ‘thousands’ of missiles at Israel?”

This question becomes all the more puzzling when one realizes that Israel’s Iron Dome defense system intercepts most of the missiles.

Israel’s Iron Dome defense systems protects Israel by intercepting most missiles from Gaza before they land in Israel

Furthermore, Hamas had to have known that Israel was going to retaliate with a far greater ferocity.

This leads me to ask: What would motivate Hamas to attack Israel like this? After all, they have to know that their assault will have only moderate success and that it is the Gazans themselves who will end up suffering far more than the Israelis as a result of Israel’s response.

Could it be that the Gazans consider their inhumane existence so desperate that they were willing to fire “thousands of missiles” into Israel in the “hope” (indeed a twisted “hope”) that some might get through the Iron Dome and inflict suffering on some Israelis?

Could it be that their existence is so desperate that they were willing to do this knowing full well that life for them will be worse?

It is worth noting that Hamas claims that their attacks were a reprisal to Israel’s continuing occupation of the Palestinian people and the continued Israeli settler violence against Palestinians and Israel’s unwillingness to hold the settlers responsible. The fact is that 2023 has been the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank for more than 20 years.

So, who shot first?

To learn more about the distressed living conditions in Gaza see this report which notes that 80% of the youth are unemployed, and 80% of Gazans rely on foreign aid for daily survival. You might do a web search on the conditions in Gaza. In particular, search, “world’s largest outdoor prison” and note the scores of hits describing the insufferable conditions in which the people of Gaza live.

Israel has a right to defend itself: Terrorism is never justified

Biden added, “Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorist attacks. Full stop.” I don’t suspect that anyone denies this point. What is often not discussed in the media reports is the fact that Israel’s response virtually always results in more deaths and far greater suffering among the Palestinians.

But do the Palestinians have any right to defend themselves? Apparently not. At least not according to Mr Biden.

He says, “There is never justification for terrorist attacks.” What?

First off, this statement is absurd! Does Mr. Biden not know that his assertion essentially grants a nation and its military the right to treat others as brutally as they desire? After all, no one can respond to imperial cruelty because “there is never justification for terrorist attacks”? Only an imperial power could make such a claim.

My Biden’s words essentially condemn any oppressed group from responding to their oppression.

Isn’t it ironic that the American revolutionary soldier fought more like terrorists than according to conventions of warfare?

In addition, I find it puzzling that Israel’s reprisals are deemed an act of “war” (I heard Netanyahu declare it as such. I also heard several American media outlets declare it a war), yet, the Palestinian’s actions are deemed acts of “terrorism” (now, I do not intend to deny that Hamas is a terrorist organization).

Why is it that when a nation oppresses a people, that the oppressed are terrorists, and the nation’s response to said terrorism is an act of “war”? Why is it that an empire has the “right to defend itself” but the oppressed do not—lest they be condemned as “terrorists”?

The US will make sure Israel has all it needs

Biden then assured Israel that he wanted to make sure that it has “all that it needs.”

I suspect that these words are nothing more than empty political speak. After all, Israel is one of the most powerful militaries in the world. And the US already provides $3.8 Billion in military aid to Israel—more than we give to any other nation. Furthermore, Israel is fighting a relatively weak opponent.

I suspect that Israel already has all that they need.

Tragedy on a human level.

Biden concluded with an effort to arouse sympathy for the Israelis while at the same time portraying himself as a man of compassion. He notes, “Jill and I are praying for those who have been impacted by this violence.” This is excellent. I hope he is praying and not merely saying that he is praying.

But I would like to ask if his prayers include the families in Gaza who are being impacted by Israel’s reprisals. Reprisals that are aided both by the US $3.8b in aid and by the fact that Israel knows that they can act with impunity because the US has “Israel’s back.”

I would also like to ask if Mr. Biden is praying for (and applying political pressure on) Israel to end the blockade of Gaza in order that the deplorable and inhumane conditions in which the Gazans live might end. I wonder if Mr. Biden is praying for (and putting political pressure on) Israel to put an end to the settler violence. I wonder if Mr. Biden is praying for (and putting political pressure on) Israel to stop the building of new settlements.

After all, this alone might help end the violence.


I have written on the plight of the Palestinians over the course of the past year. This includes a 7-part series in which I noted that Israel continues to slowly steal Palestinian land and increasingly force the Palestinians into smaller and smaller enclaves. I also argued that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians may also be deemed act of terror against

The status quo isn’t good when one person has their feet on the head of the other: Why the status quo in Israel-Palestine ain’t status quo: Part #1

“Slow and Steady” doesn’t work when people are dying: why the status quo in Israel-Palestine ain’t status quo: #2

2 Reasons why our strategy for engaging evangelicals on Israel-Palestine failed: Why the Status Quo in Israel-Palestine ain’t status quo #3

My experience in the West Bank: Why I’ll never be the same: status quo: #4

Those in power love the status quo: even if that means the continued suffering of the Palestinians. Why the status quo in Israel-Palestine ain’t status quo: #5

4 Reasons why we should care that the status quo in Israel-Palestine ain’t status quo: #6

Why the Palestinians are being slowly boiled to death status quo #7

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About Rob Dalrymple
Rob Dalrymple is married to his wife Toni and is the father of four fabulous children, and two grandchildren. He has been teaching and pastoring for over 34 years at colleges, seminaries, and the local church. He has a PhD in biblical interpretation. He is the author of four books (including Follow the Lamb: A Guide to Reading, Understanding, and Applying the Book of Revelation & Understanding the New Testament and the End Times: Why it Matters) as well as numerous articles and other publications. He is currently completing a commentary on the book of Revelation titled, “Revelation: a Love Story” (Cascade Books, pending 2025). You can read more about the author here.

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