Mothers of Autumn ~ A Poem

Mothers of Autumn ~ A Poem September 24, 2014

Those of us who bring forth Life in the Season of Death

Touch the deepest of Mysteries:
Our Womb is Her Womb
The Cavern of Silence, the recurring Tomb.

Mothers of Autumn,
Will you hear this?
We learn the secret of Sacrifice
From between our own thighs:
The doorway to Life
Leads out of the same Darkness
In which We ourselves waited,
To be born again and again.

The Birth of any Child into the great, green World
Is the Ending of our One-ness.
We welcome the separation that is
The first meeting
Of green eyes to blue
The first latch
Of soft mouth on breast

We know how to Grieve in the midst of the Joy of Welcoming,
And hold them both within us,
Just one Answer to the Paradox:
Streaming tears of bliss and pain,
As will all our joys and hurts be, forever now,
As our hearts walk around outside our bodies
In that fragile, precious form.

We get to hold our Children
Within us
for such a short time only.

I wonder if the Goddess thinks this way,
Divine Heart expanded,
Watching us with delight,
But, yet, somehow, still missing us and awaiting our Return.


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