Faith in the Church of Facebook

Faith in the Church of Facebook February 25, 2015
The folk at Mount St. Mary’s University’s Journal of Moral Theology have earlier this year released a special edition around the topic of technology. The edition includes contributions from the annual Theology and Communications conferences held at the University of Santa Clara and sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Social Communications.
The journal, which can be accessed in full online, includes a contribution by The Divine Wedgie’s Matthew Tan entitled “Faith in the Church of Facebook“, which evaluates the effects on faith by the reformatting of facebook accounts to the timeline format familiar with users of Twitter. The article looks at the spatial dimensions of faith, as well as the importance of memory in the operation of faith, before looking at how the timeline format reformats faith’s operations. Such a critical analysis is taken in light of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.
More important contributions are in the edition, which can be accessed in full. Meanwhile, “Faith in the Church of Facebook” can be accessed in full by clicking here.

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