It is not enough to have skills to land a good job in India

It is not enough to have skills to land a good job in India December 28, 2006

Can there ever be a more complex screaning process for a job in India? Clean up your past and beware of your present deeds to land a good job in future as your Horoscope might imply them :).

Darashaw & Co Pvt Ltd, one of the oldest broking and investment banking houses of the country, short-listed a few students and asked for their horoscopes, which will be individually evaluated. Three students each from IES Management College and Sydenham Institute of Management Studies have been short-listed and one from MET has also made it to the final round—of submitting the horoscope.

Placement agencies sources told FE such selection processes are not uncommon. more

Tags: India, Career, Management Jobs, Horoscope

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