Explosive defused on route of Amarnath

Explosive defused on route of Amarnath July 31, 2008
Ice Shiva Lingam in the Holy Cave

Image via Wikipedia

And now, a bomb was found on the route of Amarnath pilgrimage. I just find the entire deal just sickening. One the one side are the terrorists who have a totally screwed up idea of a God that is full of vengeance and anger, other the other side are these Pakistani organizations who, while their own country burns and dissolves into anarchy, are busy thinking up stuff to hurt another (Ya khuda mera bhala kar na kar.. doosre ka bura to kar hi de – kind of a prayer they say perhaps five times a day??)…. and then there is this Government led ostensibly by an honest intellectual which went about buying everyone and his Uncle who had a right to be in Lok Sabha and could breathe.

Meanwhile, India and its citizens can go to hell. Nobody gives a damn!

A major tragedy was on Thursday averted by alert Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) when they detected and defused a powerful Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted on Srinagar-Baltal yatra route. Had it not been detected and defused it would have caused much damage to life and property, a CRPF spokesman said.

He said a Road Opening Party (ROP) of 118 batallion CRPF was searching the yatra route when they found some suspicious packet under some stones at Manigam on Srinagar-Baltal, base camp of the Amarnath cave, route at 0730 hrs.

Technorati : Amarnath, Pakistan, terrorism

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