Adding some magic to our lives!

Adding some magic to our lives! February 24, 2009

shazam.jpg SHAZAM! :


Once again, a striking childhood moment wake up in my total memory regarding the fascinating world of fantasy experienced before I was seven years old. In my child’s mind everything was possible! I believed that just by pronouncing this magi word I would be immediately transformed into s super hero. I could fly, become invisible, have super strength, posses x ray vision and so on. I saw myself as a smiling super hero always helping people and solving all humanity’s great problems. Now I know that it wasn’t due to my fertile imagination, no sir! It was my master within using my altruistic emotions and brain to teach me that by pronouncing SHAZAM! My soul personality would take care of whatever problem I had to face.

Much later on after spending many years immersed in esoteric teachings and also being devoured many books about Metaphysics and related themes I reached to the conclusion that every human being has his/her sacred personal magic word. If he is lucky enough to find it he will be amazed!

It will be like possessing a genie who grants wishes. It doesn’t mean that this genie will solve every challenge, every problem. What this it will do is to enlighten our minds , so we can take the necessary dynamic actions and we ourselves experience how it feels overcoming difficulties, how to survive hard times and become wiser and stronger in the process, how to digest frustration and adversity.

In other words how to succeed by becoming the champions of our daily lives. This same principle can be applied to those people who leave everything to God, or the Cosmic Masters, even to aliens. We are the ones to solve these obstacles, these hindrances and become happier and healthier in the process. Have you ever given any thoughts about allowing the total manifestation of your real you? Your Higher Self? This is a cordial invitation from your loyal candyman known as Azokata-nous

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