Sunnis in Sourthern Thailand trying to convert it into Afghanistan

Sunnis in Sourthern Thailand trying to convert it into Afghanistan August 8, 2009

Thailand is a Buddhist majority country where people are mostly from the Theravada school of Buddhism, but a little known fact that is that Southern Thailand has a Muslim majority. Now it seems that Sunni radicals have started killing the Buddhists there including the modrate Muslims to rid that area of all the “Infidels” to create a Sharia state.

Therefore, the brutal Sunni Islamic insurgency is killing both moderate Muslims and Buddhists for different reasons. The reason for killing Buddhists is because certain elements within radical Sunni Islam do not believe in religious co-existence. Also, Buddhists are deemed to be infidels and within Islamic Sharia law they have no legal rights and conversion to Islam or death is sanctioned because they are not monotheists.

Given this, southern Thailand resembles modern day Afghanistan and Somalia because in both these nations you have radical Sunni Islamists who will not tolerate even one single Christian church or Buddhist temple. Therefore, the slaughter of Buddhists in southern Thailand is following a similar pattern of past and current history and the current anti-Buddhist onslaught in southern Thailand is reaching new heights.

It seems that the Sunnis there want to convert that part of the country into an Afghanistan or Somalia.

Reference Links:

Buddhists Fear to Walk in Southern Thailand

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